Extra pictures from Worship
or Activities
Sunday, September 29, 2024 - Sadie K Andrews (daughter of Kelby & Kelsey Andrews) was baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. A reception for Sadie followed the service.
"Come let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation." (Psalm 95:1)
Lauren Vetter led the congregation in singing "I Was Glad" - Sep. 29th / Dave & kids provided spirited percussion while the congregation sang "Song of Hope" - Sep. 22nd.
God's Kids Time - September 15 & 22 Worship Services
Pictures from the End of Summer Block Party on August 18, 2024. Thank you to the Congregational Life & Connections Committees for all their hard work planning this event and for providing food, games and entertainment.
Pictures from VBS July 8-12, 2024 The theme was Fun With Jerry Can and Water. Lots of activities, stories, and songs involving water.
Taos Mission Group leading VBS and white water rafting -June 24-28, 2024.
Presbyterian Women lead the worship service June 2nd.
Linda Clark, Arlene Vetter, and Marie Wenger served as Worship Leaders. Ardith Frazer talked to the kids during "Time for God's Kids" about how God can give us strength.
Carol Heltenberg gave the message, "Plastic Jesus" about how using and carelessly disposing of singles use plastics is harming our waters, farmland, and lives.
Carol Heltenberg gave the message, "Plastic Jesus" about how using and carelessly disposing of singles use plastics is harming our waters, farmland, and lives.
Sunday, May 26, 2024
On behalf of Presbyterian Women awarded Carol Heltenberg with an Honorary Life Membership - Pastor Michael talks to the youth and young at heart about being reborn - and singing praises at the end of the service.
Saturday, May 25, 2024 - Surprise 70th birthday party for Pastor Michael.
Pentecost - May 19, 2024
Pastor Michael talks about the flame and being on fire for Christ.
Recognition Sunday - May 5, 2024
Youth Sunday school classes participated in worship and presented two songs in movement
Sacred Dance closed the service with "The Blessing"
8th grade promotion student and high school grads were presented in worship.
Deacons hosted a reception honoring the Yuma High School graduates and 8th grade promotion student from our congregation after worship.
Deacons hosted a reception honoring the Yuma High School graduates and 8th grade promotion student from our congregation after worship.
Worship on April 21 and Spring Lunch
Roll-Out Game Day - April 7, 2024
Fun, Fellowship & Snacks for Kids & Adults
Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!!
Scenes from Maundy Thursday, Sunrise Service, Easter Egg Hunt, and Easter Worship Service
What a blessing it was to have Sacred Dance and the Trombones provide Ministry of Music for our worship service. We also sing praises along with the youth at the end of the service.
March 24 - Palm/Passion Sunday
The service began with wonderful, triumphant music from the Trombone Trio, cloaks were spread and the congregation brought their waving palms. Later the kids heard more about Palm Sunday. Later the service transitions to the Passion and at the end youth prepare the cross for Holy Week and the palms are covered.
March 17th - 5th Sunday of Lent
During God's Kids Time information about St. Patrick was shared and students received a shamrock and heard the legend of St. Patrick using it to explains the Trinity.
It is always fun to sing praises at the close of worship, then we had "Green Treats" in celebration in Memorial Hall during fellowship time. What a variety of green foods there was to enjoy.
It is always fun to sing praises at the close of worship, then we had "Green Treats" in celebration in Memorial Hall during fellowship time. What a variety of green foods there was to enjoy.
March 10th - 4th Sunday of Lent
1st - 4th grade Sunday school class presents the Resurrection story during Time for God's Kids.--- Everyone loves to praise God with music to end worship
March 3 - 3rd Sunday of Lent
Thank you Bell Song for the worship music.
God's Kids Time with Carol Dowell and showing love by giving "Hugs". Thanks for the sweet snack!
God's Kids Time with Carol Dowell and showing love by giving "Hugs". Thanks for the sweet snack!
February 25 - 2nd Sunday of Lent
Puzzles & Popcorn - February 25, 2024 Check out the newsletter to see the 1st place team & winning time.
1st Sunday of Lent with Trombone Trio
January 29, 2024 - Renewing Elders and Re-elected Deacon are installed. Youth have special God's Kid Time
January 22, 2024, New Deacons are ordained & installed, blessed with Laying On of Hands & Praises sung by youth.
Having fun building gingerbread houses December 16th
December 10 - Second Sunday of Advent
Dec. 3 - First Sunday of Advent and we are getting busy
Fellowship time; Praising God; God's kids Time - learning how giving brings JOY - not just receiving